NOMADS | Recycled artworks and objects

Drap Art Gallery, June 2024. Barcelona, Spain

Des de la seva arribada a Barcelona, la Valentina s’ha inspirat en els objectes rebutjats que la gent llença a les escombraries diàriament. Aquestes creacions estan fetes a partir de maletes velles, peces de roba, caixes, panells de fusta, fotografies i lletres, transformades amb cola, vernís, acrílics i aquarel·les. Els anomena “Nòmades”, representant humans en transformació.

Nomads are humans in transformation. The masks represent the “myth about their quest”. Moving, changing, adapting, masking themselves with the colours and faces of the world? The Masked face could be a great icon of contemporary times in which battles are waged in the realm of appearances and the boundaries between fiction and reality cease to exist. We put on a mask and choose who are we going to become. Something of the secret and transformative power of the ritual mask survives, even in our pandemic and masked present.